

In my life, the things that bring me the most satisfaction are different aspects of culture. Art, music, film, literature, and theater are different methods of expression, seamlessly flowing from one to the other, creating a picture of today’s culture. For me, they are what make life most fulfilling. In a media saturated with reality television shows focused on drunken expeditions and magazines focused almost entirely on sex, I want to raise awareness of a different kind of culture based on personal and intellectual growth.

In this blog, I hope to give my take on these different aspects of culture. I will discuss and provide perspectives on art exhibitions I have seen, books and poetry I have read, music I have heard, concerts I have experienced, and plays and films that I watched. I will discuss contemporary works as well as “classic” works. They may be “mainstream” or they may be avant-garde. I may talk about other things that I am interested in as well, perhaps food and drink, and design. All views and opinions expressed are mine and mine alone. I do hope that this blog will foster discussion; this does not mean you have to agree with me. As a matter of fact, I would prefer you not to; I love hearing other perspectives. But most of all, I hope that this blog will provide inspiration and give you something to think about.

Oh, and who am I? I’m Lauren, currently based in the Boston area. My personal interests include junk food and Disney movies. And that’s all you need to know.

Also, I appreciate any and all feedback! I mean it. Don’t hesitate to contact me.

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